Pivot stick figure animator.
Pivot stick figure animator.

pivot stick figure animator.

This is because the stickman is the default Figure.

pivot stick figure animator.

When you open up the program, it will say stickman. * Stop - When pressed, will stop playing the preview and go to your current point in the animation * Repeat - If checked, will keep playing the preview until you hit stop, If not checkes, the preview will only play one time * Add Figure - This is where you can insert a new figure. On the left, you'll see some buttons: ( In descending order) * Play - When pressed, will preview how the animation is coming along. On the top of the page, theres a Long Empty Space, this is where each frame will go in. This Large space is the canvas, where you will put your animation.

pivot stick figure animator.

The first thing that you'll notice is that theres a stickman in a Large White Space. Open up the program First, Let's get familiarized with the program. An icon saying "Pivot Stickfigure animator" will probably appear in your desktop.

Pivot stick figure animator.